The mysteries of soundproofing unveiled

 It appears like the big guys never want to tell you their secrets of soundproofing. That type of sounds such as a self-help book doesn’t it? Here at O’Neill Engineered Systems, we understand that the more knowledge our customers have, the simpler it is to discuss soundproofing problems wisely. We will provide you in-depth information about the best soundproofing materials for your situation and will always provide comprehensive information instructions for all our quality soundproofing products.

There are no secretes when it comes to soundproofing, but the other guys find out that if you don’t know anything about soundproofing, they can sell you anything they want and won’t held responsible if it doesn’t work due to the buyer caution clause in their agreements. We here at O’Neill Engineered Systems don’t do things that way when it comes to soundproofing solutions.

Soundproofing has various aspects that I will discuss in this post. One is the addition of mass to soundproof glass wall and ceilings or also to your floors. By mass I am referring materials like mass loaded vinyl and lead sheeting. These barrier materials add mass to your walls for instance and work as blockers. Usually lead sheeting or MLV don’t have any absorption features. They are primarily reflective barriers.

Now the next in our countdown of excellent soundproofing agents are sound dampers. Sound dampers are my favorite soundproofing agents to soundproof pocket door.  Sound dampers are usually a liquid product that is applied to the backside of a layer of drywall and then installed over the top of the current drywall in the area you are soundproofing. It is a visco elastic damping compound that actually deadens the drywall so it is unable to resonate. The inability of the drywall to vibrate or resonate with the sound will actually prevent the sound from passing through the drywall and will make the sound dispel.


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