How can you soundproof a recording studio?

I actually found the best acoustic material for soundproofing by home studio by accident. I was in the hardware store and I happened to notice these foam tile type exercise mats. These foams fit together like jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Well, soundproofing a home studio is just another way our home recording studio can become a money cavity that the manufacturers of recording studio equipments work hard to encourage with soundproof tiles.

How can you soundproof a studio- Why is it required?

Our aim is absorb and dampen and randomize the shape and surroundings of the ambience of the home recording studio. If we put it differently, in case you are recording at home, you are possibly setting up in the living room, in the bedroom, or recording in the garage. For proper recording, you definitely have to install a noiseblocker there.

How can you soundproof the studio walls?

This is a technique I use myself and it is an inexpensive way of soundproofing the studio floors and walls at home.

To soundproof the walls in the studio, just drive very small brass nails through the mat in order to attach them to the wall for turning the room into a noise cancelling room.  I use a single foam tile below my microphone stand to insulate resonance from the floor that can travel up the mic stand.

Tips for purchasing soundproofing for a home studio: Rather than getting the mats in the home gym section of your sports store, a similar type of product is available which is even inexpensive than the tool section of the hardware store, but they promote them as mechanics mats. Ina follow up to this post, we will discuss about how to make a highly effective recording booth in seconds by installing fabric wall panels, and it will cost almost nothing.


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