STC 50 door in education projects
In mentioning doors for universities and schools, safety is generally the top worry. Nonetheless, acoustics play a main role in creating a positive learning ambience. Schools are frequently situated on the busy roads, near much traffic and activity that creates noise. In a school and its grounds, sound is generated by musical instruments, sports, foot traffic, voices and other activities. That is why you should install a STC 50 door.
Many aspects in the design process are conducive to the acoustic experience of a school building. Your options of HVAC systems, room layout, electrical fittings, windows, flooring materials and doors impact how sound moves through the school. Here, we will look at the options for STC windows and doors for education projects.
How acoustics affect learning
Exposure to loud noise impedes the ability to hear, focus and know a teacher and learn. Sound reduction commences with proper space planning and selection.
Once those decisions are in position, transfer of sound can be addressed with the materials used for roof ceiling assemblies and floor ceiling, along with STC doors and sound enclosure. The amount of airborne sound blocked by a partition is measured as a STC rating. The construction, materials and installation of architectural doors all play a part in acoustics.
Architectural doors and outdoor sound barrier panels
O’Neill Engineered Systems provides complete education door solutions and outdoor sound barrier panels. Our personalized wooden doors can meet your project’s requirements for security, acoustics, sustainability, aesthetics and health. We test all the doors in operable openings, for the most beneficial acoustic performance results. The best STC rated doors bring together functionality and form. You can get the right finish, style and color to match the rest of the university or school, to create a convenient visual impact.
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